Deleting a Group
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Deleting a Group

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Article Summary

Infoodle has many ways of managing groups that are inactive or no longer used. Deleting a group will also delete it's history from infoodle so you may not want to do this.

As an alternative, infoodle provides the option to expire or hibernate groups that are currently not in use, or will not be used. This preserves the groups history and details. For more information on this see Hibernating or Expiring a Group.

If you are sure you want to delete a group:

  1. Locate the group that is to be deleted.

  2. Click the Edit button at the top right corner of the form.

  3. Click the Delete button at the bottom of the form. If you cannot see the delete button then you may not have permission to delete it and you will need to contact your administrator.


It is not possible to delete a group that has subgroups, they must be expired instead.

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